Thursday, January 1, 2015

Here I am, blogging.

Oh hey, 2015, I didn't see you there.

Happy New Year!

Ok, I am not going to lie, I am really nervous to be blogging. I have been thinking about it for a really long time, and it is New Years Day and here I am, rambling via the internet.

There is so much more to this blogging thing than I knew (quelle surprise, isn't that the case with everything?) so I am feeling slightly overwhelmed and yet, quite excited about the prospect.

I have been feeling like I have a lot to say lately.  Especially in regards to the industry I am in and where it is going.  I want to have a platform with the opportunity to get out some of my feelings because, my goodness, I have them!

And yet, I don't think this will be entirely about trying to make it as an opera singer these days.  That may get too depressing.  I do other things, too. Also, I have feelings about other things which is good. So I will probably have a ramble about all kinds of things.

I just wanted to say, "hey" for now, so, hey! It's nice to see you and I am happy you are here.

Let's talk soon.

j x.o

1 comment:

  1. As Frasier used to say, "I'm listening." You probably share many of the challenges of professional organists who need jobs to make ends meet.
